Spring Has Sprung!

“Just” a Dusting

Bees are buzzing, birds are chirping, flowers are blooming.  It’s April and spring is in the air here in the beautiful South.  Can you feel it?  Of course you can.  There’s literally a grit covering every available surface – including my eyeballs.  It’s on the cars, and the patio furniture, its runs down the driveway in streams when it rains.  Somehow it has even sneaked its way into the house and makes fun slippery surface on the hardwoods.  Just kidding, that’s not fun for anyone.  It is like a horror movie, but instead of death and dismemberment, we get runny noses and weird coughs that make people give you a wide berth in the grocery store.  Which, let’s be honest, might be the only silver lining in this whole pollen experience. 

How to Cope

Most of us have had years to hone our allergy coping skills and have already developed a personal arsenal of anti-pollen measures- Zytec, Claritin, eye drops, nasal sprays (these are not medical recommendations, just some of the things I have tried). 

One of my preferred (and more tasty) methods of reducing seasonal allergies includes using local honey. In all transparency, WedMD says it doesn’t work, I say “mmf it doth” through a mouthful of honey.  If you’re new to the area and are coming from some where that doesn’t have a lot of spring pollen, may the odds be ever in your favor. 

Eyes on the Beauty…through your itchy, watery eyes

However, if you manage to muscle through whatever spring allergy reaction you might have, this is truly one of the best and most beautiful times of the year in Georgia.  Dogwoods – breathtaking! Cherry blossoms – spectacular!  Bradford pears – baffling!  Seriously, how can something so pretty make a such a horrendous stench?  So get out there and enjoy it.  Take a walk, take a drive, take a bike ride, take it all in.  Maybe even take some photographs of you and the family with a breathtaking natural background.  Even better, ask us to do it for you.  (What?  It was a logical business plug….don’t make that face at me.) It’s a fabulous time for photos, whether you use a professional or one of those super fancy settings on your phone.  Just try to get it done before we enter the summer temperatures that have your poor thighs sticking to your car’s seats.    

Suwanee, Georgia Newborn Photographer Colleen Hight taking picture of Dad holding newborn baby

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Suwanee, Georgia Newborn Photographer Colleen Hight taking picture of Dad holding newborn baby

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